Every Encounter is Divine

Sometimes I’m a bit perplexed by the connections I make. I ask God, why in all the world did I meet this person or that person… what was the point of them coming into my life?  

I believe some people come to help you, some come to be disruptive, some come to test you, challenge you, yet others, I haven’t quite figured it out... but all in all, every person serves a purpose. It’s up to us to open our hearts, minds and spirits to recognize the signs of why…  Receive the message, the gift of acquaintance....

Every encounter is divine, whether we choose to believe it or not…

Through my musical journey, which has led me to where I am today, this phase started long ago with a divine encounter with an organ player name Gabriel. It was many years ago, but just hearing him on the organ and his unique voice, sparked my interest to get back in the choir… Oddly enough, he thought my voice was unique too. We still sing together to this day!

Fast forward to August 2018, oddly enough, I’m singing with Gabriel, and I meet Darryl… Darryl plants a seed… I receive his perception of my gift to heart, the encouragement…and then full circle I hear another person playing on that very same organ named Corey who rounded out my journey...he produced my EP! Go figure…I also met my singing soulmate Char while singing with Gabriel… our relationship has evolved into something extra special, oh how I love singing with her!

So as I reflect on the why's of meeting who I meet, I wonder why I met you… Do you wonder why you meet who you meet? Just remember, every encounter is divine, every meeting has its purpose in our lives… receive the gift of who you meet, the gift of acquaintance.

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